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Southwest Coastal Area Local 917 (APWU 917)

Union Proud! Say it Loud!

Local's Vision

United, We Stand Strong

Here at Southwest Coastal Area Local 917, we are proud to be involved in efforts to improve the lives of postal workers and their families. By enforcing the APWU National Agreement and bargaining for fairer labor-management agreements, we continuously strive to raise work standards and improve quality of life.


National's Vision

Union Proud! Say it Loud!

The APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. 


For more than four decades, APWU has fought for dignity and respect on the job for the workers we represent, as well as for decent pay and benefits and safe working conditions. As an AFL-CIO affiliate, the APWU supports the struggle for social and economic justice for all working families. 


Depending on their occupation, APWU members belong to the Clerk, Maintenance, Motor Vehicle Service (MVS), or Support Services divisions.

APWU National News

Our Nation. Our Union. 
Nation News. Happening Now!


Solidarity is the Antidote
To A Toxic Workplace

The Chief Spokesperson for the 2024 contract negotiations acknowledges the significant responsibility of representing 200,000 postal employees and their families. The negotiations aim to address the toxic work environment pervasive in the Postal Service.


While grievances can temporarily solve issues at individual facilities, the systemic nature of the problem requires more substantial efforts. Management at high levels has shown reluctance to address toxicity, which has been a longstanding issue.

The spokesperson emphasizes that systemic change will only occur if leadership is pressured to act. Union members must unite to demand change through internal actions, public campaigns, and congressional pressure. Improved work environments are necessary to attract and retain employees. Solidarity among workers, standing against abuse, and supporting each other are crucial steps in demonstrating seriousness to the Postal Service. The spokesperson calls for collective action and solidarity to drive change.

The Union Keep Us Strong! 
A Message From President Mark Dimondstein

While Wall Street, bankers, and the billionaire class pad their profits by investing in and manipulating the stock market, the best investment workers make is with each other through our union.

The investment of our union dues and participation in the APWU is returned many times over in better pay, benefits, rights, safety, and job security.

Yet, many of the union accomplishments won over generations of struggle, especially resulting from the victorious 1970 Great Postal Strike, are often taken for granted. As we head into national negotiations, engage in our “Building Union Power” organizing drive, and face down management’s “network modernization” plan, it’s a good time to reflect on what a huge difference the union makes. Some highlights:

Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) and Wages: Career employees’ union-won pay includes regular raises, COLAs, step increases, night and Sunday differential, overtime pay after eight hours and double time after 10. We remain the only postal union with full COLA. Due to high inflation, the COLA alone in our current contract amounts to $5,325.00 annually for full-time employees, and $2.67 per hour for part-time flexible employees (PTFs). Talk about financial security!

Incredible job security: Career employees with six years of service have “no lay-off” protection, a benefit few U.S. workers have. The 50-mile limit on excessing limits disruption to family life in situations where employees are moved due to changes in the network and mail mix. Protection against unjust discipline: Without unions, bosses can terminate employees “at will.” With “just cause” protection, discipline - including termination - can be challenged and overturned!

Grievance Procedure: Employees have the right to file grievances on the clock to address contractual violations. That’s worker power!

Seniority and Bidding: Seniority eliminates favoritism and discrimination in job assignments. Preferred off days, hours of work, and jobs are based on one’s years of service, not who the boss likes!

Guaranteed Hours: Prior to 1970, employees were often placed into a “non-pay status” when waiting for more mail to work, often having to work 12-14 hours just to receive eight hours of pay. Now, full-time career employees are guaranteed eight within nine or 10 hours, depending on office size. In addition, full-time career employees are guaranteed eight hours a day, and 40 hours a week. PTF-guaranteed hours have improved!

Paid Leave: Strong annual leave, sick leave, and paid holiday benefits. Many other workers have no paid sick leave. Health and Safety: Safety grievances are prioritized. Workers have the right to report unsafe work conditions using Form 1767s. Union-negotiated COVID safety provisions literally saved lives and enabled workers to take needed time off to protect themselves, co-workers, and families without repercussions.

Non-career conversion to career: With the exception of four-hour POStPlan offices, Postal Support Employees (PSEs) receive automatic conversion-to-career after two years. Many are converted sooner due to negotiated provisions regarding the filling of residual vacancies.

Legislative Engagement: Legislation, good or bad, has a big impact on the Postal Service. The APWU keeps members informed and engaged around important legislative matters. The 2022 Postal Service Reform Act is an important example.

Your voice, your union: We are a democratic union. Local, state, and national officers are elected with one person, one vote. Any member can run for office. Regular union meetings enable workers to vote on issues. Locals and states send delegates to represent them at national conventions. Communications with the members: The APWU website, magazine, News Service Bulletins, mailings, social media, and podcasts keep members informed about the many challenges and opportunities facing postal, and all workers.

When you hear a nonmember say, “the union doesn’t do anything for me,” shout the answer from the rooftops – “who are you kidding?!” No union is perfect, but together, union strong, we collectively build better workplaces, stronger families, and more vibrant communities! Be proud to be union! ■


 Pre-Convention Workshop!

The Research & Education Department will sponsor 24 Pre-Convention Workshops on Friday, July 12, 2024, prior to the start of the craft conferences and national convention, at the Huntington Place Convention Center, Detroit, Michigan.

All APWU members are welcome and must register online by the Monday, July 1, 2024 deadline. 


Participants are encouraged to register early, as classroom space is limited. Participants may sign up for workshops after arriving in Detroit but will have limited choices of workshops, as many will already be filled.



A list of workshops and times can be found at the link below.

Here are some highlighted workshops: 

Basic Shop Steward’s Training: 

Dealing with a Hostile Work Environment and Handling Postal “Monsters”

Fighting to Save Jobs Due to Closures and Consolidations:

Labor Law Fundamentals:

Leadership Development:


Safety and Health

The Industrial Relations Director is charged with responsibility for the health and safety of all divisions of the Union. Article 14 of the National Agreement requires management to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all employees covered by the agreement. To achieve this end, the contract provides for the establishment of joint safety and health committees at various levels throughout the Postal Service.



​You can use PS Form 1767 is to be used to report hazards, unsafe conditions, work practice and, in the opinion of the APWU, hostile work environments. You can use this form to report anything that you think could jeopardize your health: Dirty conditions, pests, mold, disturbed or broken building materials (tiles, insulation, etc.)

COLA and You

Rising inflation underscores the importance of our negotiated Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) within our union contract, made possible by the strength of our membership. COLAs are our best protection against inflation. Postal Workers are some of the few U.S. workers who receive COLA increases. Even in the postal world, we are the only postal union maintaining full COLA in our union contract.

“Once again, union-won COLAs prove how invaluable our contractual rights are to postal workers and our families,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “We will continue to fight to maintain full COLA provisions in our upcoming contract.”

Please be aware that neither the local nor national APWU has any legal or moral obligation to assist those wanting to opt-out or want to be non-members. 

The COLA adjustments for career employees during the 2021-2024 contract cummlatively totaled $5325 every year! 


Though Postal Support Employees (PSEs) do not receive cost-of-living increases, they have received several additional increases beyond the general wage increases for all employees in the APWU bargaining unit under the 2021 contract. However, when PSEs convert to career, the COLA increases are also included in their base wages going forward.


Demand An End to Short Staffing
In the USPS

The United States Postal Service is an essential part of the fabric of our community and our country. We depend on reliable postal services.

Whether it’s important business, picking up a package, or checking in with family and friends, we need a post office that is open and fully staffed with the trained, dedicated postal workers we trust with our mail and packages.

It is unacceptable to us when our post offices are unexpectedly closed, hours are shortened, and lines are long due to staffing shortages.

We call on you to make every effort to keep our post office open at convenient and reasonable hours and properly staffed to provide the “prompt, reliable, and efficient” service we deserve under the law.

Stop Supervisors From Performing
Bargaining Unit Clerk Work

Supervisors are PROHIBITED from performing bargaining unit work at post offices with 100 or more bargaining unit employees, except:

1. In An Emergency (by acts of God).
2. For the purpose of training or instructions of employees (Instructions limited to only on how to operate/perform a function and not of a direct order from a supervisor).
3. To ensure the proper operations of equipment.
4. To protect the safety of employees.
5. To protect the property of the USPS (Such as: Building and Equipment property).
Technically, although it is for the exclusive use of the USPS, it is still, essentially, the property of the people or business.


In offices with LESS THAN 100 bargaining unit employees, supervisors are PROHIBITED from performing bargaining unit work except as enumerated in Section 6.A.1 through 5 above or when the duties are included in the supervisor's position description (mail pickup and "managing the line" are considered clerk work).


Please also follow the proper grievance process.


Absolutely Incredible!
Introducing AI! 


Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities.

If you have a frequently asked question (FAQ) or a quick question, we invite you to chat with our AI system which is designed to be exclusively for APWU 917 union members and website membership members! 

AI algorithms can analyze large data quickly, providing valuable insights and quick information!


Please be advised that while AI can assist with frequently asked questions (FAQs) and these are AI-generated answers, it CANNOT be a substitute for steward consultation and DOES NOT provide 100% perfect answers. There is NO GUARANTEE of an answer generated by our AI system, either expressed or implied on the accuracy or verity of the responses. For a definite answer, please refer to the CBA or consult with a local union officer or steward.

The best way to reach us is still by phone at 714-660-2882.

You should never let a postal supervisor or manager tell you that you “don’t have a grievance."


 If you have questions about whether or not you have a grievance you should request “union time” from your immediate supervisor to meet with a local steward.

But how can we make it easier? Simple! By having all the grievance forms, all in one place! 

  • Step 1 Outline Sheet.​

  • Request for information (Shop Steward Only)

  • Grievance or Witness Statement Form (Both Grievant and Shop Steward)

  • Safety and Health PS Form 1767 

  • Supervisor Doing Clerk Work

  • Report of Security Problem or Poor Financial Practice

Note: A grievance is only "filed" after you or your union representative initiates a grievance meeting with your immediate supervisor or authorized management designee.  Emailing the union a form is not a grievance as defined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.  Time limits apply regardless of whether you get a callback or an email reply.  You should contact the union promptly to give the representative as much time as possible to investigate and process grievances.


Grievances and Forms Made Easy

Contact Us

A New and More Simplified Way to Reach Us


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Podcast and Constitution

All the ways you love podcasts. All In One Place. 

APWU Podcast

APWU members can now enjoy their union news on the move, as the union launches our new podcast "Communicating with You, The Member - A podcast with APWU President Mark Dimondstein".

Hosted by union president, Mark Dimondstein, the podcast is one of the growing number of ways for members to keep abreast of the latest developments: a fact that reflects the many ways that members receive news in today’s media environment.

You can download the podcast on all streaming services, including YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts regularly. New episodes will be available monthly.


Constitution & By-Laws


We, the postal workers of America and the Southwest Coastal Area Local, in order to form a more perfect union, establish this Constitution.

The object of this Area Local shall be to advance the interest of the Postal Service employees regardless of sex, age, race, color, creed, religion, political affiliation, or national origin: to unite the postal workers into a bona fide labor union for their social and economic advancement and their mutual welfare; and to improve the efficiencies of the Postal Service.

The Area Local shall promote, protect, and champion the legitimate struggles of postal workers toward achieving economic well-being, human dignity on the job, and their rights as workers and citizens. To this end, the Area Local shall strive for the complete elimination of political influence from the Postal Service, and the establishment of seniority as the basis for advancement and preference.

Address Change? 

Has your address changed since first joining APWU?

There are a few ways in which a local union or state organization can update members’ addresses. 

1) Local unions and state organizations can change member’s address at the local or state level.  The President or Secretary-Treasurer may log in to the Members Only section and click on the “Change Address” tab.

2) Members can change their address themselves when accessing the Members Only section of the website.

  • Visit

  • Click the Members Only tab

  • Log In

    • Username = EIN

    • Password = last name (all lowercase) and the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number

    • If you should need assistance in resetting your account and/or password, please e-mail

3) Mail or e-mail the member’s new address to the Per Capita Department.  Please include the following information:

  • Member’s Full Name

  • Local/State Organization

  • New Address

E-mail to or mail to American Postal Workers Union, Attn: Per Capita Department, 1300 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005.

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Social Media

Engage, Follow, and Inspire in Creating a Social Movement


Our Social Media

We have new social media accounts! Our local union will be posting some helpful information there! Be sure to follow!

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
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